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- [S27] Ragusa, Sicily, Italy. Ragusa., Ragusa Marriages Microfilm, marriage certificate no. 121 (1876), Occhipinti-Guardino; FHL microfilm 1,546,692 (Reliability: 3).
#121 Marriage of Francesco di Paola Occhipinti and Giovanna Guardino July 9, 1876
1876, the 9«sup»th«/sup» of July at the hour of 10:04am in the town hall of Ragusa, District of Modica, Province of Siracusa, before Marchese Giuseppe Schinina, Mayor and official of the vital records office appeared Francesco di Paola Occhipinti, single, 23, occupation (piconiere?), born in Ragusa, resident of Ragusa on Via Alberto, son of Giuseppe, (same occupation), of Ragusa, and Giovanna di Stefano, of Ragusa; and also appeared Giovanna Guardino, single, 24, seamstress, born in Ragusa, resident of same, on Via Canciuto, daughter of Giovanni, of Ragusa and Concetta Giglio, of Ragusa and they have asked to be united in marriage. To this effect I have been presented the documents described below; the marriage banns were posted, and all documents inserted into the register of the attachments of this register, and with no opposition to the celebration of their marriage, I read to them the civil code and asked the groom if he takes for his wife Giovanna Guardino; and I asked the bride if she takes for her husband Francesco di Paola Occhipinti, and having received their positive response, and before the witnesses listed below, I have pronounced them united in marriage. Witnesses to this testimony are Biaggio Luparelli, 64, shoemaker and Francesco Moru, 63, shoemaker. Marriage banns were posted on 25«sup»th«/sup» of June and the 2«sup»nd«/sup» of July.